Hello I'm a fullstack developer based in Haïti!

Didier Peran Ganthier

Full Stack Developer

Profile Photo


Hi, I'm Didier, I'm a full-stack software engineer with 4+ years of experience specializing in Flutter, Javascript, and React. In 2019 I completed the CodePath Bootcamp teaching me Android Developement and how to use collaborative tools. Currently doing Microverse, a remote software development program that uses pair programming and project building to teach development. Last year I worked as a Frontend Developer and this experience taught me how to work with corporate businesses and handle tight deadlines. I've worked on a number of projects in the past year: A banking website, an app allowing people to request blood, and a ticketing app that recently reached 1k active users. Being passionate about coding made me part of the 1% active GitHub users in my country and I have an active streak of 100+ days of coding. Currently, I am working on my product called The Spot Events. I'm very passionate about coding and I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow.


1998Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
2014Started coding.
2018Started studying Computer Science at Université Espoir.
2019Took part at Codepath's Mobile App Development Bootcamp.
2020Internship at Transition Digital as a Mobile Developer. Fixed 20+ bugs and implemented 10+ features in in-production apps.
2021Launched The Spot Events. A 1k users platform connecting event lovers, allowing check-ins, promotions and online payment.
2021Working on Alerte Rouge in partnership with Banj and CNTS. A platform for the public to share blood requests and plan donations at CNTS.
2022Launched Haiti Blockchain Alliance with Banj. A community of blockchain developers and enthusiasts in Haiti.
2022Started Microverse. A remote software development program that uses pair programming and project building to teach development.

I ♥

God, Music, Technology, Drawing, Coffee, Basketball, Machine Learning and Philosophy.

On the web

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